47 Interesting Facts about Beavers

Last updated on July 18th, 2024

37. Friendlier to their neighbours

Among interesting facts about beaver lifestyle is that although territorial animals, beavers will actually act in a more tolerant manner to members of neighbouring colonies than they would to total strangers.

38. Gestation period

Female beavers develop sexual maturity in their 3rd year and will give birth to a litter of 1-4 baby beavers after a rather long gestation period of 3-4 months.

39. Babies can eat solid food after 3 weeks

Baby beavers are called ‘kits’ (just like baby cats are called kittens) and they are generally weaned pretty fast. The babies may continue to suckle for 2-3 months but they already start eating solid food at around 3 weeks.

40. Born with their eyes open

The ‘kits’ are born with a full coat and with their eyes open. Another remarkable fact about these ‘kits’ is that they start to swim within 24 hours of hitting the earth!

41. The family bond

The beaver family life also contains many interesting facts about beavers. To begin with, contrary to some accounts, older siblings (kits from a previous litter) are NOT discarded, i.e., made to fend for their own once a new litter is born. Instead, they actually take care of the newborns along with their mother and also collect food for them.

42. Elder siblings are treated as adults

Once the offspring are one year old, they are recognized as fully-grown members of the colony and help the parents in dam building, food collection, and other tasks.

43. At two, they leave their parent’s home

Beavers eventually leave their original families/colonies and become independent once they are two years old. From thenceforth, they are on their own and they will often travel long distances to find their own territories.

Many beavers will find their own mate for life during these journeys.

44. Considerate children

Although this is the norm, exceptions to this have been recorded as well. For example, during times of drought, high population density or food shortage, some beavers will stay back with their parents for another year or so.

45. Penetration into human culture

The unique nature and characteristics of the beavers have meant they have found their way into human culture in many different ways. For example, we have already mentioned their penetration into English language!

It is equally noteworthy that there are copious allusions to beavers’ skill and ingenuity in many Native American legends and myths. In many of these tales, beavers actually feature as one of the principal characters in the story (In a Lakota tale, for example, a pet beaver helps his young lady to flee her evil husband.).

46. Canada’s  national animal

Beavers also have long association with Canada and they were declared the country’s national animal in 1975. They also feature in the first pictorial postage stamp issued in the colonial Canada.

47. Damage Control Licence 

In Alberta, Canada, beavers are protected by law. A Damage Control Licence is needed if you want to remove/disturb a lodge/den.