48 Interesting Facts About Black Bears

Last updated on July 19th, 2024

41. Territorial marking

The Black bears may rub against trees or urinate on certain areas to leave a distinctive smell marking its territory.

42. Defensive moves of a Black Bear

Black bears when threatened, stand on two legs as a defensive mechanism against a predator. On two legs, the animal looks very big and mean which scares most predators away. It can hold a gaze or stare back at a predator as a way of scaring it away.

43. Species of Black Bears in Northern America

There are a total of 16 species of these amazing mammals roaming in North America.

black bear fact file
Image credit – Tony Hisgett

44. Endangerment of the Black Bears

There are approximately 900,000 Black Bears in the Northern Hemisphere. Studies show that they are not yet classified as an endangered species.

45. Common Predators of Black Bears in North America

Though black bears are not considered a peaceful species, few predators threaten the livelihood of the black bears that include; foxes, grizzly bears, humans, and birds of prey.

46. Longevity

Survival for small cubs exceeds 90% after the cub has attained the age of 2 years. Apart from the actual adults killing their cubs to force the female Black bear to mate, cubs have a likely hood of attaining adulthood.

black bears resting
Image credit – Luke Jones

47. Danger to livestock

Black bears are not friendly to livestock, being that after hibernation, not many plants sprout and can fill the ferociousness of these bears. They attack livestock left wandering in the pastures to satiate their hunger.

48. Bears are hunted down for medical reasons

In some parts of Asian countries, locals harvest some bears’ body parts/organs for medicinal purposes that they believe cure certain ailments in human beings.