Last updated on August 10th, 2022
Cat World Records
74. Most Traveled Cat
In 1984, a caged cat called “Hamlet” escaped while on a Canadian plane. No one could find him. Yet the sneaky creature was inside all along, accidentally traveling almost 965,000 km for seven weeks.
75. Longest Cat
The longest cat ever recorded deserves the similarly long name “Mymains Stewart Gilligan”. Stewie is a Maine Coon with an impressive length of 48.5 inches.
76. Shortest Cat
The world’s shortest cat is aptly named “Lilieput” from the USA. The teeny-weeny female munchkin is only 5.25 inches tall from floor to shoulders.
77. Longest Fur
Jami Smith met an abandoned kitten in a hairy situation, rescued it, and named it Sophie Smith. She grew up to become a record-breaker with the longest fur ever at 10.11 inches.
78. Most Tricks in a Minute
If you think that cats are lazy and unteachable, then think again. The Austrian dynamic duo of Anika Moritz and Alexis were able to complete 26 tricks in under a minute.
79. Loudest Purr
Another rescue cat named Merlin made a lot of noise in the UK. He set the loudest purr on record at 67.8 decibels, almost on par with the sound of showers and dishwashers.

80. Tallest Cat
Arcturus Aldebaran Powers doesn’t need to jump. He can just stand and lean on tables to get food. The tallest cat that ever lived was 20.2 inches, whereas average male cats are only 8-10 inches.
81. Longest Tail
It’s not a tall tale! Arcturus Aldebaran really has a housemate, Cygnus Regulus, who is a record holder himself with the longest tail on a living domestic cat at 17.58 inches.
82. Longest Jump
He may not be a ninja, but Waffle the Warrior Cat has his own impressive moves. He set the longest jump by a cat at a whopping 7 feet in Big Sur, California.
83. Largest Litter
Kittens are adorable, but would you want 19 new ones in one go? That’s what happened in 1970 when a Burmese/Siamese cat from the UK produced the world’s largest litter.
Myths and Superstitions about cats
84. Persian Cat Tale
After saving him from thieves, a magician asked the hero Rustum to make a wish. He shrugged, content with his campfire, smoke, and stars. The clever magician mixed these elements to create the first smoke-grey cat with bright eyes and fiery red tongue.
85. Prophet Muhammed
Fond of felines, the prophet blessed his pet, Meuzza, by placing his hand on its head. After withdrawing, an “M” pattern appeared on the forehead that can still be seen today among tabby cats.
86. Chinese Goddess
Who said cat-worship is exclusive to Egypt? The Chinese goddess Li Shou is depicted as a cat who controls pests and fertility. Farmers routinely spoiled her with their sacrifices.

87. Legendary Laziness
In another Chinese myth, gods gave cats the power to speak and told them to manage the world. However, cats being cats, they simply slept under cherry trees and played with falling blossoms. Humans got the job instead.
88. Japanese Beckoning Cat
A temple cat raised her paw to acknowledge the passing emperor. Intrigued, he entered the temple and narrowly missed a lightning strike. He honored the cat for saving his life. Since then, the image of the “Beckoning Cat” became a symbol of good luck.
89. Freya’s Cat-drawn Chariot
In Norse mythology, the goddess of love and war rides a chariot drawn by cats. Artists across the centuries depicted these in various forms, from adorable house cats to intimidating beasts.
90. Cats and the Goddess Hecate
Greek god Zeus got Princess Alcmene pregnant. A clever maid-servant prevented his wife, Hera, from killing the princess (who would give birth to Hercules). Angry Hera transformed the maid into a cat and made her serve Hecate, the goddess of death, darkness, and witchcraft.
91. Pope Gregory IX’s Evil Cats
Unsuspecting cats were demonized during the Middle Ages. The pope linked them to satanism and witchcraft in 1233, particularly targeting black cats. Large-scale hunting followed.
92. The Black Death
With fewer cats remaining, rats multiplied and spread diseases across Europe and beyond. The pandemic known as the Black Death is the worst ever recorded with fatalities estimated between 75 and 200 million.

93. Enlightenment and Revival
Fortunately for cats, reason won over superstition during the Enlightenment. Great Britain’s fascination over Egyptian culture led to adoption of cats among the royals and other prominent personalities.
Cat Safety
94. Poisonous Plants and Flowers
Check whether your cats are nibbling on plants. Keep them away from daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, lilies, and mums. These may cause skin inflammation, kidney failure, heart damage, or stomach upset.
95. Sleeping Patterns
Contrary to popular belief, cats aren’t lazy. They spend 15-20 hrs a day sleeping to conserve energy for hunting. They are more active at dawn and dusk because ancient cats had less predators during these periods.
96. Hairballs
Don’t panic if your cats vomit clumps of hair. These are called a trichobezoar or hairballs. They are the result of grooming as the keratin in the hair cannot be digested.
97. Flea Products
Whatever you do, avoid anti-flea products for dogs. Cats have an adverse reaction to the active ingredient permethrin. Keep treated dogs away from cats for 24 hrs.
98. Xylitol Toxicity
Always check the labels! Don’t give anything with xylitol to pets. This sugar substitute is hazardous to dogs and may also harm cats. Signs of poisoning include drooling, lethargy, seizures, and vomiting.
99. Salt Toxicity
Himalayan salt lamps are enchanting but dangerous. Pets that lick them a lot may suffer from fatal electrolyte imbalance. Even mild cases may require a trip to the neighborhood vet for IV fluids.

100. Life Expectancy
Crème Puff said goodbye at the ripe old age of 38, making her the oldest known cat in the world. The average lifespan is only 14-16 years. Sheltered indoor cats tend to live longer than outdoor cats.
101. Feline Leukemia Virus
FeLV is a common disease that spreads through mother’s milk, saliva, and nose discharges. Fortunately, kittens develop immunity at 4 months. While there is no known cure, vaccination is available for prevention.
102. Spaying Benefit
According to a study, spaying cats before their 6th month lowers risk of developing mammary cancer sevenfold. Spaying at any age reduces risk of mammary tumors by 40-60%.
103. Cold Weather Dangers
Cats are cool but don’t let them get too chill during winter. Prevent hypothermia and frostbite by keeping them indoors. You can also hang a light bulb above their bed to radiate extra heat.
Cat Breeds

They were first imported in the 1800s when Thailand was still called Siam. This small breed has a light-colored body with a dark face, ears, tail, and feet. Siamese cats were featured in various films, including the Disney animation “Lady and the Tramp”.

Known for their smushed face, Persian cats have long coats and a variety of colors. Fancy getting one? Be prepared for constant grooming and regular health checkups.
Maine Coon

If you want a large cat with a thick coat, then this breed is for you. The gentle giant is the state of Maine’s official cat. Many of them have extra toes which are useful when hunting on snow.

They may be cats but they act like dogs, following people around the house and letting others carry them without protest. If you want a docile cat, go for a ragdoll.

Bengals have markings akin to jungle cats, but they are mild-mannered and domesticated. They have short spotted coats in black, gray, or brown. Their eyes are green or gold.
Oriental Shorthair

This slender breed looks like Siamese cats but with green eyes. Unfortunately, they are prone to skin cancer and hypothermia. Fashionable owners often dress them up in sweaters.

If you are allergic to fur, then check out the hairless Sphynx. Despite their regal appearance, they are actually quite playful, social, and goofy like court jesters.

This breed is a cross between Persians and Siamese. Himalayans are sweet and playful with their owners. These cats want to be the center of attention and they usually get their wish.
Scottish Fold

The name comes from their small ears that curiously fold forward and downward, as if they were keen on listening to what’s in front of them. They are attentive but not demanding, making them kid-friendly options.
Egyptian Mau

If you look at the surviving artwork, this intelligent breed closely resembles the cats worshipped by ancient Egyptians. “Mau” translates to “cat” in the Egyptian language. It can run circles around other domestic cats with speeds approaching 30mph.
Famous Fictional Cats in Pop Culture
Cat from Breakfast at Tiffany’s
The most memorable cat in Hollywood is arguably Audrey Hepburn’s furry companion in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. Holly Golightly called it “a no-name slob” who doesn’t belong to anyone, just like her free-spirited character.
Garfield started as a comic strip character in the late 1970s. He may be sluggish, sarcastic, and selfish but he is also relatable and endearing. He went on to star in films, TV shows, and video games.
Meowth from Pokémon
Pokémon is one of the most famous animes to come out of Japan. One of these “pocket monsters” is Meowth, one of the few that can talk and walk like a human despite looking like a cat.
Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro
This Hayao Miyazaki film includes the large living Catbus that carried the protagonists everywhere. Lights shoot out of its eyes to illuminate the dark. This animal transport was the inspiration for Avatar’s Appa.
The Bachelor Party Cats by Louis Wain
Louis Wain is a British painter known for his cat-centric work. Instead of depicting cats as they are, he shows them upright with wide expressive eyes while engaged in human activities.
Cat Devouring a Bird by Picasso
This 1939 work by Pablo Picasso is said to be an allegory of the Spanish Civil War. It features many of the elements that made him famous such as sharp angles, blended colors, and edgy themes.
The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
This beloved children’s book was originally published in 1957. The opinionated character was also featured in the animated series “The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That!”
Hello Kitty
This ubiquitous Sanrio character created in 1974 continues to enjoy a massive following in Japan and around the world. The real name of this perpetual third-grader is actually Kitty White.
Felix the Cat
Before there was Garfield, it was Felix the Cat who lit up the comics section of newspapers. The black-and-white character was introduced in a short cartoon during the silent film era.
Puss in Boots
This fairytale character dates back to the 1550s through the works of Italian author Giovanni Straparola. After a hit appearance in “Shrek”, Puss in Boots got his own feature film voiced by Antonio Banderas.