41 Interesting Facts About Grizzly Bears

Last updated on June 8th, 2023

32. Opportunistic eaters

And a high percentage of the meat a grizzly bear eats come from carrions of deer, elk, and other ungulates—preys killed by other predators. In this sense, we may well call grizzly bears opportunistic eaters. Commonly, the only living creatures they will hunt for eating purposes are fish (they prefer salmon!) and large rodents such as beavers.

This behavior is somewhat surprising given how voracious eaters bears actually are and given their strength and their skills as a predator.

33. They are mighty hunters and resourceful foragers

As a proof of the last, it is known that grizzly bears can hold their own against heavier animals such as bison. They have been also found stealing prey from a pack of wolves!

34. Grizzly vs black and polar bears

Bear experts in fact believe that grizzly bears are stronger than both black and polar bears and if it’s a battle for survival, grizzlies will get the better of either.

Grizzly Bear Crossing Road
Grizzly bear crossing road. Facts about grizzly bears. Photo © 

35. The hump factor

A grizzly bear can lift more than 3/4th of its body weight and the conspicuous hump between the shoulders of a grizzly is actually a sign of their excessive muscular strength.

36. The Reason behind Excessive Eating

As for a grizzly bear’s voracious eating habit, these creatures, when they can, will eat more than 40,000 berries or over 10,000 moths in a day. This excessive eating is actually normal considering the fact that grizzlies stay active for only 7-8 months in a year. Therefore, they need to store enough fat to make it through the winter when they hibernate in their dens.

37. Different coat color

Although a subspecies of brown bears, a grizzly bear’s coat can come in many different shades including black, blonde, beige, light tan, coffee-colored, and more. This depends primarily on the particular habitat of the bear.

Grizzly Bear male cub. Facts about grizzly bears
Photo © 

38. Weight vs height

Grizzly bears are 3 to 4 feet tall when they are standing on four legs. Standing on two legs, the creatures reach an imposing height of 8 feet or more!

Grizzly bears typically weigh 600-800 pounds, although many weigh significantly more. The largest ever grizzly to be found weighed 700 kg, or approximately 1540 pounds!

39. Many affairs

Among interesting facts about grizzly bears, it merits mention that although solitary creatures, they are quite promiscuous when it comes to mating. Subsequently, a litter of a sow (a mother bear) can contain cubs from different fathers.

40. Tiny cubs

We ought also to include the weight of a newborn cub among curious grizzly bear facts. Grizzly cubs are actually born extremely tiny and weigh as little as one pound! A human baby, in comparison, typically weight between 5 and 8 pounds.

41. Media Coverage

The most famous grizzly bear to have lived in the lower 48 states? Well, that must be 399 (yes, that’s her given name), a grizzly mama from Yellowstone National Park. The bear (born in 1996 and now in its 27th year) has already successfully raised as many as 15 offspring. This is amazing considering the fact that few female bears will give birth to more than 10 cubs in their lifetime (typically half of which die before reaching maturity).

Concluding Grizzly Bear Fact

Under normal circumstances, grizzly bears do not attack humans. However, a hungry bear can attack any creature in its path. grizzly bear attacks on humans usually happen if they feel threatened or need to protect their food and cubs.

Contrary to a widespread imaginary fear of grizzly bears, bear attacks on humans statistics show a 1 in every 2.7 million chance. You are safe!