50 Facts About Guglielmo Marconi: The Father Of Modern Radio

Last updated on March 28th, 2023

43. In Public, He Urged Closer Ties Between Nazi Germany and Italy

Word had it that there was an altercation between Marconi and Mussolini’s alliance with Hitler. But in April 1936, Marconi called on Nazi Germany and Italy to strengthen their ties in public. During his funeral, the German führer sent an enormous bouquet.

44. He Faced a BBC Ban

When the Italian armed forces invaded Ethiopia in 1935, many nations condemned Italy. In defense of his country, Marconi made several statements over the radio justifying the baseless invasion. BBC considered his speech notorious and banned him from broadcasting such matters.

45. Marconi Died at His Home in Rome

Until his passing, Marconi continued to develop short-range radio transmission technology. On July 20, 1937, he suffered a heart attack, died in his villa in Rome, Italy, and was buried at a state funeral. His life span was 63 years.

46. Marconi was Memorialized With a Moment of Silence by the BBC

The British Broadcasting Corporation paid tribute by observing a two-minute of silence following the passing on of Guglielmo Marconi. He was honored in England, America, and Italy for his contributions to radio advancements.

47. Church Rituals Were Not to Guglielmo’s Taste

The Vatican Osservatore Romano claimed that Guglielmo died a Christian death. Nonetheless, Marconi had stipulated that he didn’t want the church involved in his final journey.

48. He Was Remembered as a Great Son of the Italian People

Franklin Delano Roosevelt hailed the late Guglielmo Marconi as one of the four great sons of the people of Italy. The other three heroes were Dante, Michelangelo, and Galileo. This was broadcast on the radio in June 1944 during the commemoration of the fall of Rome.

Obelisk to Gugliermo Marconi placed in Rome Eur
Obelisk to Gugliermo Marconi placed in Rome Eur. Facts about Guglielmo Marconi. Photo © Maurizio Paolo Grassi

49. A Roundabout in EUR Has Marconi’s Monument

The Obelisk of Marconi sits in a busy roundabout in the district of Eur. A 45-meter monument was built to honor the Italian engineer and was inaugurated in 1959, just before the 1960 Summer Olympics.

50. His Popular Status as ‘Father Of Radio’ Is Hotly Contested

Though Guglielmo Marconi had significant breakthroughs in radio technology, his popular designation, ‘Father of Radio,’ is highly disputed. For instance, it is believed that Nikola Tesla created a wireless telegraph in 1893. Also, the 7777 patent was invalidated by the Supreme Court of the US because it was outmoded after Tesla developed radio-tuning gadgets.

Guglielmo Marconi – quick facts

Born 25 April 1874, Native House of Guglielmo Marconi, Bologna, Italy
Died20 July 1937, Rome, Italy
ChildrenMaria Elettra Elena Anna Marconi, Degna Marconi, Gioia Marconi Braga, Giulio Marconi, Lucia Marconi
SpousesMaria Cristina Bezzi-Scali (m. 1927–1937), Beatrice O'Brien (m. 1905–1924)
AwardsNobel Prize (1909)

Shares the Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl Braun for their contributions to development of wireless telegraphy.
Known forRadio Telegraphy

British Patent number 12039 (the first patent for a radio wave based communication system.)