Last updated on June 29th, 2021
28. Almost half of the paper used in offices ends up as waste. About 45% of paper used in offices, be it for printing or other uses ends up in thrash. The fact is, most companies lose a big number of all their paper documentation, up to 7.5%
29. Working towards a paperless office will save the many trees that are cut down daily, thus saving the environment. The number of junk mail delivered every year can be equated to 100 million trees.
30. Most paper in the market comes from recycled paper. A high number of paper pulps is derived from recycled paper. In the US, about 40% comes from recycled paper. This is a positive thing considering the benefits of recycling to the environment.

31. There are different ways to quantify paper. If you walk into a stationery store and ask for 25 sheets of paper, which can be quantified as one quire. 20 quires equate to one ream, two reams is one bundle and so one. Paper is also measured by caliper (thickness) and density.
32. An average office worker is said to use around 10, 000 sheets of paper each year (and as many as 6,800 of those sheets are wasted). A standard three-drawer filing cabinet that takes up to four square feet of the office space can hold about 9,000 sheets of paper. According to Price Waterhouse Coopers, the price associated with purchasing the cabinet and maintaining the area could add up to EUR 1,500 per year.
33. In the UK and most of the world, the paper sizes used are based on A-series. However, in the US, the most commonly used measure is the Letter sized sheet of paper. A4 is approximately 210 x 297 mm, while letter size is 215.9 x 279.4 mm.

34. Chinese were the first to make paper airplanes, which makes sense, having invented the paper itself. Although paper planes can have simple designs, what they can do can be fascinating. They float in a straight line unless they hit something; it can float forever.
35. Paper Planes. We’ve all had amazing crafts made from paper either in our early days in school or later in life. Did you ever make a paper plane? You’ll be amused enough that there is a paper plan that has flown to about 69.14m. This record was created by Joe Ayoob in 2012 using a paper plane designed by John Collins.
36. Regardless of paper size, there is a natural limit to the number of times you can fold a paper in half. The sides become stronger when folded since they double in thickness. For a long time, the limit for folded paper into half was seven; however, in 2002, Britney Gallivan showed that it is possible to go up to eleven times, later beaten in 2012 when students from St. Mark’s school managed to make thirteen folds.
37. Origami is the art of paper folding, which originated in China and late took Japan by storm. It was started in the 17th century and become popular in the western world in the 1900s. Ori means folding and kami refers to paper — kami changes to the game because of pronunciation. The art involves making intricate models of real-life objects like animals, buildings, and nature.
38. The enormous building entirely made from the paper was 6.4m tall, with a base measurement of 15.2m by 17.9m. The building was constructed to mimic traditional Thai houses and manufactured using corrugated paper by Kwag Hua Industries. He unveiled it in October 2003 in Bangkok.
39. The enormous roll of toilet paper that has ever been made was 2.59m high and 2.97m in diameter. It was founded by Charmin in Cincinnati, Ohio, the USA, in August 2011. Later, they sent it to a Ripley’s.
40. The record for the most extended piece of paper made was broken again in Paraguay on 7th August 2015. The Guinness World Record was broken by 250 students who created a giant sheet of paper from recycled newspapers, which measured 149.5 square meters.
41. The USA currency is not paper since it is seventy-five percent cotton and twenty-five percent line, making your average note three-quarters cotton. They use these materials instead of actual paper because they are more durable, which requires considering how much we handle money.
42. It is possible to take a degree course in Paper Science. If you are interested in analyzing the factors that influence modeling shrinkage during manufacture or pore size distribution, it may be a course for you.