Last updated on June 19th, 2022
26. Flowering Dogwood — Missouri
This tree produces large flower bracts that are often mistaken for flowers.

27. Eastern White Pine — Michigan
Deer, songbirds, and porcupines love to feed on seeds from this tree. These seeds are also alternative food for herbivores in winter.

28. Single-Leaf Pinyon — Nevada
This is an aromatic pine species with short needle-like leaves, and it mainly grows in rocky soils.

29. Ponderosa Pine — Montana
The bark of this tree smells like butterscotch or vanilla.

30. American Elm — Massachusetts
It has a vase-like appearance and a wide canopy.

31. American White Birch — New Hampshire
This tree has egg-shaped leaves that are hairy underneath.

32. Flowering Dogwood — Virginia
Mature dogwoods have gray cracked barks that look like small broken squares, bringing the alligator appearance.

33. Eastern Redbud — Oklahoma
This tree has an appealing branching structure and attractive bark that make it beautiful in winter.

34. Quaking Aspen — Utah
This tree has flat leaves attached to long stalks. Whenever there’s a light breeze, these leaves quake or tremble, and that’s where the name originates.

35. Douglas-fir — Oregon
Thanks to its thick cork-like bark, this tree is more fire-resistant than its associates.

36. American Elm — North Dakota
American Elms are abundant in sites near the White House. They are durable, strong, and resistant to harsh weather and rot.

37. Sugar Maple — Wisconsin
Due to the abundance of sugar, this tree attracts animals such as squirrels, rabbits, and deer, which feed on the maple seeds, leaves, and buds.

38. Sugar Maple — West Virginia
The lifespan of sugar maples is 300 years or more, although they don’t grow so tall.

39. Sugar Maple — Vermont
It takes more than one sugar maple to make one gallon of maple syrup.

40. Tulip Tree — Tennessee
Although Tulip trees produce green flowers, yellow and pink Tulip trees produce yellow and pink flowers, respectively.

41. Black Hills Spruce — South Dakota
This tree is native to the Black Hills of South Dakota, and that’s where it gets its name.
42. Eastern Cottonwood — Nebraska
This is a medicinal tree whose contents are used to treat rheumatism, fevers, tuberculosis, intestinal worms, menstrual cramps, and whooping cough.

43. Eastern White Pine — Maine
Compared to other trees within the same environmental conditions, Eastern White Pines grow faster.

44. Bald Cypress — Louisiana
According to the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), this tree is highly resistant to rot, and it’s hence used for making fence posts, doors, and boats.

45. Western White Pine — Idaho
This tree produces larger cones and longer-lasting needles than the Eastern White Pine.

46. Candlenut Tree — Hawaii
This is the only state tree that is not native to its country — Hawaii. However, it has been grown in this state for centuries now, and it remains an important part of the Hawaiian culture.

47. American Holly — Delaware
Apart from making Christmas wreaths, American holly leaves can also be used for making medicinal tea. Specifically, this tea can alleviate pneumonia, measles, colds, and flu.

48. Loblolly Pine — Arkansas
This tree is mainly found in swampy and lowland areas, and that’s where the name “loblolly” originates.

49. Eastern Hemlock — Pennsylvania
Although this tree can live up to 1000 years, woolly adelgid infestation can significantly reduce its life span.

50. Red Maple — Rhode Island
Red maple leaves contain high levels of carotenoids and anthocyanins which are responsible for the red and yellow coloration in fall. During other seasons, these two pigments are covered by the production of chlorophyll, which typically goes down in fall.