Last updated on October 19th, 2022
Canada is a country in the northern part of North America. With an area of 9,984,670 square km, it is the world’s second-largest country by total area, falling behind Russia, and just beating out China and the United States. Ottawa is its capital and Toronto is its largest city. English and French are its official languages. The Canadian dollar ($) (CAD) is its official currency. The United States is its only land bordering country, with which it has the world’s largest land border. It is a sparsely populated country. The people identified with Canada are called Canadians. The country has immigrants from many countries, which make it one of the world’s most multicultural and ethnically diverse nations.
If you’ve never traveled to Canada then you probably don’t know a whole lot about the country except maybe that it’s located above the United States. Oh and probably hockey, maple everything and Tim Horton’s, right? Don’t feel bad. That’s about all anyone really knows about the country unless they’ve been there. But there’s plenty of other things that you should know.
70 Interesting facts about Canada
Flag of Canada

Canada on map