Last updated on June 21st, 2024
Vermont is the 49th most populous and the 45th most extensive of the 50 states of the United States. It is in the New England region of the north-eastern United States. The state attained statehood on March 4, 1791, becoming the 14th state to join the union. Its three bordering states are Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York. Vermont (nicknamed: Green Mountain State) has 14 counties. The state’s capital is Montpelier. The abbreviation for Vermont is VT. Area code for Vermont is 802. With these facts about Vermont, let us learn about its history, geography, people, culture, wildlife and more.
Facts about Vermont
1. Vermont was previously an independent country
Before Vermont became the 14th state, it existed as an independent nation for 14 years. It became independent in 1777 following clashes over land. The development allowed locals to begin printing their currency, enacting laws that banned slavery and established postal service.
2. The Vermont Republic
The independent state of Vermont Republic was created after a revolt by the Green Mountain Boys.
3. Vermont: What’s in a name?
The name Vermont is considered to have originated from the fact that the French explorer Samuel de Champlain when he viewed the green mountain uttered the word: vert “green” and mont “mountain.” He was the first European to visit the region.
Where is Vermont on map?
4. Vermont’s capital city got its name from a town in France
French armies assisted during the Revolution of 1778 to 1782. In honor of that, the capital city of Vermont is named after a town in France.
5. Explorer Jacques Cartier
The area, now known as Vermont, was first claimed by the explorer Jacques Cartier in 1535. He was the first European explorer to reach Vermont.
6. The currency of Vermont
The Vermont Copper was the currency used in Vermont from 1785 to 1791. These coins are popular among collectors, especially the ‘baby head’ coin.
7. Snow golf was invented in Dummerston
Dummerston is the birthplace of snow golf thanks to the creative talent of Rudyard Kipling who invented the sport at his home. Rudyard Kipling, the legendary author, wrote the Jungle Book.
The famous Jungle Book was written in 1894 by him while staying in Vermont. He was a renowned novelist who grew up in British India.
8. Cow Paradise
Vermont has the highest ratio of dairy cows in the United States. This concerning the total human population in the state. At some point, it was home to more cows than humans. The primary product produced in Vermont is milk in all its forms. Is that a surprise with as many as 500 dairy farms in Vermont?
9. Bear population
The population of bears in Vermont doubled in the decades after the pesticide DDT was banned in the 70s. The black bear is the only one found in Vermont.
10. The Morgan Horse
A historic breed of horses breeds in the US only. Yes, the Morgan horse is from Vermont. A statue of the first Morgan horse can be seen in Weybridge.
11. Beavers population
Beavers were reintroduced in 1924 in Vermont after they had been extinct in the area. Reinserting them in the wildlife society is excellent for the ecosystem.

12. The First Great American Road Trip
Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson was the first to drive an automobile across the U.S. in 1903. He was from Burlington. The inspiration for the journey was a bar bet of $50. Someone challenged Jackson that he couldn’t make it to New York City by car in less than 90 days. Jackson accepted the challenge.
He along with a 22-year-old bicycle racer and gasoline mechanic set off to achieve the yet-to-be-achieved feat in a used 20 horsepower Winton touring car. Interestingly, Jackson named the car the “Vermont.” The duo completed the journey in less than 64 days and finally won the bet.
Though, the cost of the journey was around $8,000. During the trip, they encountered many problems including failing of the parts of the car and flat tires. But they stayed positive battling any misfortune that came their way.

13. Vermont’s maple syrup pride
Vermont produces more maple syrup than any other state. New York is the second largest producer.
The state is undoubtedly the largest producer of maple syrup in the country. It produces a staggering 35 percent of the total supply on the market. Many locals produce the syrup at home while others pay a prominent role as the big producers. Did you know that it takes 40 gallons of maple sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup? The sap from the maple trees flows and is collected in buckets. This usually happens during the conducive season in early spring.
14. Maple sugar on snow
Maple sugar on snow is something the sweet tooth’s coming to visit must try out. Visit the open-house day at the Vermont maple sugar factory and experience it firsthand.
15. Maple baked beans
Another outstanding cuisine to try in Vermont is maple baked beans. It is even prepared with the famous maple syrup from Vermont.

16. Home of Ben & Jerry’s
The state is the birthplace of the well-known ice cream brand, Ben & Jerry’s. The company still operates from headquarters in Vermont. Local farmers benefit from Ben & Jerry’s commercial activities as they receive ice cream waste to feed the hops.
The world’s famous ice cream shop Ben and Jerry’s was started by its founders after taking a modest $5 correspondence course in ice-cream making. With an initial investment of $12,000, the duo started their first ice-cream scoop shop in a renovated gas station in Burlington, Vermont.
17. Fries and gravy
When you ever visit Vermont, don’t forget to try out their famous fries and gravy. This is an excellent option for those exploring native food.
18. Cheddar cheese
According to locals, the white cheddar cheese from Vermont has a distinct flavor. You need to try it out for yourself.
19. Recycled water for ice creams
Water used to fabricate ice cream in Vermont is recycled and reused. The sugar water by-product is used as a renewable source to power homes.
20. From Champlain Sea to a lake
Lake Champlain is one of the largest water in the country and it was once a sea. Its status changed when the glaciers of the Ice Age receded. At some point in history, the land rose above the seas, which resulted in the Champlain Sea.
21. Lake Champlain previously formed part of the Great Lakes
Vermont’s Lake Champlain, which runs for miles along the interstate borderlines is the sixth largest inland body of water in the water. It was previously one of the Great Lakes and it crosses national borders into Canada. It is a 435-square-mile lake bordering Vermont, New York, and Quebec and center of the region’s ecosystems.
22. Lake Champlain’s monster myth
When it comes to lake monster myths, Lake Champlain is said to host a shy but friendly monster known as Champ. The famous myth attracted the attention of the Discovery Channel, which conducted a thorough investigation into the claim.
23. Snowflake photography
Vermonters are an innovative lot and it comes as no surprise that Wilson Bentley, a farmer, invented an advanced technique to capture snowflake images. His approach enhanced photographic precision as no two flakes are the same.

24. Billboards are illegal
A peculiar aspect of Vermont is that its counties and towns have no billboards. In 1968, legislators decided to enact a state-wide ban on the installation of billboards. The authorities implemented this change to preserve the state’s natural beauty. This means road signs do not feature any commercial logos. The ban helped boost tourism.
So in 1968, Vermont became the second state to ban billboards. Hawaii was the first state to do so in the 1920s. Maine followed in 1980s and Alaska did the same in 1998.
25. Warrant of arrests for Bush and Cheney
Local authorities in two Vermont towns shocked the nation in 2008 when they passed resolutions aimed at the arrest of the then President George W. Bush and his counterpart Dick Cheney.
The resolution meant that individuals could affect a citizens’ arrest if the duo ever visited Marlboro or Brattleboro. The town decided because they felt that the two leaders violated the constitution.
26. The birthplace of two presidents
Vermont is the hometown of Chester A. Arthur, the 21st US President and Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President. Arthur, who served between 1881 and 1885, hailed from Fairfield while Coolidge was born in Plymouth.
Both men were vice presidents before ascending to the presidency following the death of the sitting presidents.
27. The only 4th of July president
John Calvin Coolidge Jr. was born in Vermont and is the only president with an Independence Day birthday! Coolidge, whose father who was a notary public, was sworn in as the 30th president of the U.S. under the light of a kerosene lamp. His father administered it using the family’s Bible. The 30th president of the United States was born on 4th July, 1872.
28. Re-election while in jail
Local politicians often make headline news for hilarious antics or other conduct. Matthew ‘Mad Matt’ Lyon received the news of his re-election while sitting in jail. The charismatic Vermonter got into crosshairs with the law for making defamatory remarks about the president.
29. Snowboarding
The state has a special place in the history of snowboarding. One of the locals, Jake Burton, a former ski racer, designed and manufactured specialized boards after participating in snurfing. In the past, snowboarders used snurfers and referred to the sport by the same name.
30. No skyscrapers in Vermont
The state is home to short buildings that do not qualify as skyscrapers. When compared to buildings in other states, Vermont stands out as a place with no skyscrapers. Its tallest building (Decker Towers) comes with only 11 stories and it stands at 124 feet tall.
31. The largest ever outdoor astronomy lesson
The Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium in St. Johnsbury, Vermont held the largest ever outdoor astronomy lesson on August 10, 2018, according to the Guinness Book of World Records (GBWR). A whopping 1580 people were there! The celebration was held to highlight the fact that Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium is the only public planetarium in the state.
32. Oldest Military college
An interesting fact is that Norwich University is the oldest military college in the country. The private and online college is located in Northfield, Vermont.
33. The first African American to graduate from college in the United States
Alexander Twilight is the first African American to receive a U.S. college degree.
34. Father of agricultural colleges
Justin Morrell lived in Vermont and was a prominent figure supporting land-grant for colleges. He came from Stafford and was known as the father of agricultural colleges.
35. John Dewey
The philosopher John Dewey was co-founder of pragmatism, a philosophical movement. He was born and grew up in Burlington, Vermont, and became a pioneer in functional psychology.
36. The famous newspaper in Vermont
In the year 1827, the Burlington Free Press, the famous newspaper in Vermont, was founded. A historical moment for the free press in Vermont.
37. The first car battery
Some of the most innovative research and inventions in the US originated in Vermont. Many programs for research and technology for small businesses exist in Vermont.
The Innovator, John Deere, started in a small town in Vermont, Rutland. He got his first taste for agricultural tools while an apprentice in Middlebury.
Thomas Davenport is another famous inventor who hails from Vermont. He is the person who invented the first battery car and came from Williamstown.
38. The largest number of Cadillac cars ever to be in a parade
Everyone loves a parade, right? When it’s a parade of vintage and modern Cadillacs in the hometown of the inventor of the Cadillac, it is really special! On August 17, 2011, a parade of 298 Cadillac cars in Barton, Vermont honored Henry M. Leland, the founder of the Cadillac in 1902; and, the event earned a place in the GBWR for the largest number of Cadillac cars ever to be in a parade.
LeLand, known as the “Master of Precision” due to his high standards, has several descendants that still live nearby.
39. The first platform scale
The first platform scale was built in 1830 by Thaddeus Fairbanks. It was used for weighing wagons in Saint Johnsbury, Vermont. It brought wealth to this community.
40. The first fishing spoon lure
The first fishing spoon lure was invented in 1834 by Julio Buel. It all happened while he was living in Castleton, Vermont.
41. Driver’s license in Vermont
The only place you could get a driver’s license in Vermont is to drive all the way to Montpelier. Fortunately, that changed recently.
42. The First Postage stamps
The first postage stamp made in the U.S. was made in Brattleboro in 1846.
43. Unusual mountain names
Although the state is home to many famous mountains with ordinary names, it also hosts peaks with ominous names. Some of the mountain ranges with strange names include Terrible Mountain, Devils Gap, and Vulture Mountain.
44. Last state to have a Walmart
Until 1996, VT was the only state without a Wal-Mart. Vermont became the last to get a Walmart store in 1996. The retail chain has introduced a few more branches since that time.
45. Teddy bear factory
The Vermont Teddy bear factory has become one of the largest in the country. To think that it started operating in 1980.
46. Moonlight song too difficult for Vermonters
In the late 1990s, the song Moonlight was ruled out as an official state song because it was considered too difficult for locals to sing.
47. The Von Trapp family
The Von Trapp family from The Sound of Music moved to Vermont in 1938. They are now living in Stowe, where they operate a popular resort.
48. JoJo
Joanna Noëlle Levesque, better known as JoJo by her fans, comes from rural Vermont. She was born in 1990 in Brattleboro.
49. State insect
None other than the honey bee is the state insect of Vermont. This decision was made by the state’s general assembly way back in 1977.

50. The longest balance board duration
On June 29, 2019, while in Charlotte, Vermont, Cally obtained the distinction of having the longest balance board duration. It was eight hours, two minutes and two seconds. Wow, what stamina! The GBWR notes that she comes from a family of achievers. Her sister, Tatum, was the previous record holder.
51. Olympians from Vermont
Many of the top US Olympic riders and skiers hail from Vermont. That’s true; Vermont is the highest provider of Winter Olympians in the United States.
52. Ethan Allen and the Vermont connection
The multinational furniture chain, Ethan Allen, was named after a Vermont Revolutionary leader.
53. State with the lowest crime rate
If you are looking for a safe place, look no further than Vermont. It is known as the state with the lowest crime rate in the country.
54. The smallest state capital
Montpelier is also the smallest state capital in the U.S. The capital has a population of fewer than 10,000. The capital also has smallest capitol building in America. It is the second smallest city in the state.
55. The “Beast of the east”
Known as the “Beast of the east,” the ski resort in Killington has a 3,050 feet vertical drop. The resort has seven peaks and it is also the highest lift serviced mountain in the state. It is the highest skiing elevation in Vermont (4,241 feet at the summit of Killington Peak.)
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