Last updated on June 19th, 2024
North Carolina is the 9th most populous and the 28th most extensive of the 50 states of the United States. It is in the south-eastern region of the United States. The state attained statehood on November 21, 1789, becoming the 12th state to join the union. Its four bordering states are Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. North Carolina (nicknamed: Old North State, Tar Heel State, Turpentine State) has 100 counties. The abbreviation for North Carolina is NC. The state’s capital is Raleigh. See the area codes for North Carolina here. Let us learn more about its history, geography, economy, people, and more.
1. Giovanni da Verrazzano
The Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano was the first European to settle in North Carolina. He discovered North Carolina as early as 1524 while in the service of King Francis 1 of France.
2. The first state to declare independence
If that seems like a small detail to stake the state’s pride on, consider that North Carolina is the first state to declare independence from Great Britain in 1775 with the Mecklenburg Declaration.
3. 12,000 years ago
Native Americans from as far back as 12,000 years ago lived in this area known as North Carolina. Archaeologists found signs of their presence many years ago.
Where is North Carolina on map?
4. Two but one
When the two towns, Salem and Winston in North Carolina, merged in 1913, it became known as Winston-Salem. These two towns were only a mile apart, so it was the logical thing to do.
5. A state with multiple nicknames
North Carolina has many nicknames, the most common being the ‘Tar Heel State.’ It is believed that the name has its origin in the state’s early history. In the 1770s, North Carolina produced a lot of tar to manufacture ships. Most tar production comes from small farms that also produce livestock and crops. North Carolina was and is a leading producer of tar, turpentine, rosin, and pitch.
‘Tar Heel’ was a term used for workers who went barefoot to collect sap used for the production of tar and pitch. It was a derogatory term associated with low-class workers. During the Civil War, soldiers began to call themselves ‘tar heels’ and completely annulled the shame and humiliation associated with this moniker. Today, North Carolina is known the world over as the ‘Tar Heel State.’
6. King in sweet potato production
About 60 percent of the sweet potato production in the US comes from North Carolina. In 2021, more than 1.8 billion pounds of sweet potatoes were harvested, more than half of what was produced in the country.

7. North Carolina has given the world many famous emeralds
In North Carolina, minerals and gemstones occur in abundance. The state is especially famous for its emeralds. North Carolina gave the world The Carolina Emperor, a 310-carat uncut emerald. The stone was cut into a 64-carat emerald stone and sold for $1.65 million at an auction in 2010.
8. Tobacco producer
Due to the high tobacco production in North Carolina, many tobacco companies are operating in the state. One of the more famous ones is the RJ. Reynolds Tobacco Company that made the famous Camel cigarettes.
9. Merry Christmas
About 20 percent of the US fir trees used for Christmas trees are grown in North Carolina. These trees are grown in the state’s western mountain region and take about 15 years from planting to harvesting.
10. Carolina Hurricanes
The North Carolina Ice hockey team renamed themselves the Carolina Hurricanes. They renamed the team in 1977 due to the many hurricanes this state has seen.
11. Rose Bowl outside of Pasadena
Durham hosted the only Rose Bowl outside of Pasadena in 1942. The game featured Oregon State vs. Duke.
The Rose Bowl’s venture to the Southeast came after the recent attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States Military’s restriction on large gatherings on the West Coast. The Oregon team found their opponents very hospitable.
12. Gold medal
The American boxing champion and Olympic gold medalist, Sugar Ray Leonard, hails from North Carolina. He was born in 1956 in Rocky Mountain and won his first championship in 1973.
13. Babe Ruth hit his first home run as a professional baseball player in Fayetteville, North Carolina
George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth was the first sports superstar. His career spanned 22 seasons in Major Baseball League. In his elaborate career, Babe Ruth made and broke many records. However, he hit his first home run in North Carolina and the state gave him his nickname ‘Babe’.
14. Michael Jordan
Wilmington in North Carolina has produced one of the best NBA players in the US, Michael Jordan. He may have been born in New York, but his parents moved to this state when he was only five.
15. North Carolina has given the world many Jazz artists
North Carolina has given the world many prominent Jazz artists, including Bill Taylor, Nina Simone, John Coltrane, Tal Farlow, Tab Smith, Percy Heath, and Thelonious Monk. If you love jazz music, we recommend buying tickets to the North Carolina Jazz Festival.
North Carolina with bordering states

16. The musician with his unique three-finger picking style
Another North Carolina native is the famous Bluegrass Banjo player Earl Scruggs from Cleveland County. This musician is known for his unique three-finger picking style known as Scruggs Style.
17. A 6,956-acre park
Chimney Rock State Park was privately owned by the Morse family until 2007 when they sold it to the State of N.C. Dr. Lucious Morse and his brothers purchased Chimney Rock and surrounding land for $5000 in 1902 to create the park.
18. Blackbeard haunted the state for years before being finally killed in 1718
The infamous pirate Blackbeard plundered many ships and haunted the state of North Carolina for years. He was killed by the British Naval forces off of the cost in the Outer Banks in the year 1718.
19. American Idol finalists
North Carolina also has the interesting statistic of having more American Idol finalists than any other state.
20. Many Nobel Prize winners
Another interesting fact is that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has had many Nobel Prize winners in its history. Many other Rhodes scholars and Pulitzer Prize winners attended here.
21. The University of North Carolina is the first American public University.
The University of North Carolina was founded in 1789 and today has a student population of about 30,000. The university first held its classes in 1795.
22. Research Triangle
An area in Piedmont, North Carolina, is known as the Research Triangle, where three major universities meet in a triangle shape. These are North Carolina State University, Duke, and the University of North Carolina.
23. North Carolina was once home to dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals
It can be said with certainty that three different species of dinosaurs — two duck-billed vegetarian and one large carnivore — once inhabited the state of North Carolina.
The fossils of a duck-billed vegetarian dinosaur were found in Sampson County in 1869. Paleontologists also have enough evidence to believe that tyrannosauruses also inhibited the state during the Cretaceous period.

24. The state is home to some weird animal species
White squirrels, a rare animal species, are quite a common sight in the city of Brevard. Many don’t believe in the existence of these squirrels. However, many pieces of evidence corroborate this fact.
25. Blue ghost fireflies
North Carolina is also home to the rare blue ghost fireflies. The common fireflies glow a yellow-green color, but the singular blue ghost fireflies are associated with a blue hue.

26. Flying squirrels
The Blue Ridge Parkway is not just a place to see breathtaking scenery. People who doubt the existence of flying squirrels may catch a glimpse of this member of the endangered species in the trees along the scenic route.
27. Progenies of Spanish Mustangs
For many years, wild free-roaming horses that are descendants of Spanish Mustangs have lived in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. They have survived here for more than 500 years.
28. Headache Powder
Did you know the Five Point Drug Company in Durham, North Carolina, is to be thanked for the headache powder known as BC powder? It was developed in 1906 by the CT. Council.

29. Moonwalkers are trained here
Morehead Planetarium and Science Center is more than a destination for those curious about the out limits of the universe. Several astronauts trained at the center, including moonwalkers Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins.
30. The first America-born English child was born in North Carolina
Yes, you read that right! Virginia Dare was the first English child born in America. She was born in the year 1587 to Eleanor and Ananias Dare in Roanoke Colony, what is now known as Dare County, North Carolina. Not much is known about Virginia Dare and what happened to her, but her name will remain forever etched in the annals of history.

31. Birth place of Krispy Kreme Donuts
Vernon Rudolph and his uncle bought the recipe for Krispy Kreme donuts from a French chef named Joe LeBeau in the year 1937. Rudolph saw potential in the recipe and decided to start his donut shop. In the summer of 1937, Rudolph moved to the present-day Winston-Salem and started his donut shop. The first Krispy Kreme Donuts were made on July 13, 1937.
32. Bojangles…there own food chain!
In the fast food industry, North Carolina is known for their own food chain, Bojangles. The first of its kind opened on West Boulevard in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1977.
33. Are you a hot sauce lover?
Texas Pete is a household name for many hot sauce lovers everywhere. The founders chose Texas as part of the product’s name because of the State’s reputation for spicy food, and Pete is the nickname of one of the founder’s sons.
34. Family Dollar Stores
The American variety store chain Family Dollar Stores was first opened in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was founded by the very young entrepreneur Leon Levine in 1959, and the first store opened in November of that year.

35. The famous Vicks VapoRub
Greensboro is the birthplace of the famous Vicks VapoRub. Greensboro pharmacist Lunsford Richardson concocted the rub as a treatment for his son’s croup. Although the salve became a household name, many who use it may not be aware of its humble origin.
36. Their Wines are quite popular
The first commercial winery — Medoc Vineyard — was established in 1835. Today, the state has over 400 vineyards and 200 commercial wineries. Nestled in the foothill of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Yadkin Valley is a famous wine destination that attracts thousands of tourists each year.
The Muscadine grape is one of the most popular fruits of the vine and is a native of North Carolina. Not just wines but also jellies and juices are made from it.
37. Pepsi was invented here
A drugstore clerk named Caleb Bradham from the city of New Bern invented a syrupy drink in the year 1893 that he claimed helped with digestion. He called it Brad’s Drink. He changed the name of the drink to “Pepsi-Cola” in 1898. In 1903, Bradham became wholly invested in the business and sold 7,968 gallons of Pepsi-Cola in the same year.
38. CTRL+ALT+Delete
A convenient function on computers we take for granted, CTRL+ALT+Delete, was invented here in North Carolina. It was invented by David Bradley in 1980 in the Research Triangle Park.

39. The Wright Brothers tested their first flight in North Carolina
The Wright Brothers may have been born in Ohio and Indiana, but they chose North Carolina to test their first flight. The brothers chose the beach town of Kitty Hawk as it gave them the privacy and steady winds needed to test the flight. The siblings tested their first flight on December 17, 1903. The flight flew 20 feet above the ground, lasted 12 seconds, and covered a distance of 120 feet.
40. The North Carolina quarter had the photo of the Wright brothers on it
On March 12, 2001, the North Carolina quarter was launched. On it, you can see the iconic photo of the Wright brothers, the flyer, and the first flight that took place in Kill Devil Hills.
41. The self-taught gunsmith, David Marshall Williams
David Marshall Williams from Cumberland County in North Carolina invented the automatic M1 Carbine or Semiautomatic rifle. After spending time in prison, he was contracted by the War Department to improve modern rifles.
42. Miniature Golf was born in North Carolina
In 1954, Don Clayton, a Fayetteville resident, invented what we today know as the Miniature Golf or Putt-Putt Golf.

43. We must talk about NASCAR
During prohibition, North Carolina earned the title of “Moonshine Capital of the World.” NASCAR racing has its origin in bootlegging of illicit products during the prohibition years.
Bootleggers used small vehicles to illegally distribute various products. Bootleggers would modify their cars to enhance their speed. After Prohibition was repealed, people from North Carolina continued to ‘moonshine’ for fun and other reasons.
44. Overalls were invented here
Beulah Louise Henry, or Lady Edison from Clinton, North Carolina, is one of the most famous female inventors in the US and the world. She invented the overalls in 1959.

45. A tiny post office
Grimshawes Post Office in Cashiers was the tiniest Post Office in the United States. At eight by six feet, the structure resembles a tiny shack, but from 1878 until 1953, it was the place to pick up letters and goods from the outside for residents of this remote area.
46. Home to the tallest lighthouse in the United States
Cape Hatteras, at 210-feet-tall, is the tallest brick lighthouse in the United States and the second tallest in the world. It was reconstructed in 1870 and is a popular tourist attraction today. Świnoujście Lighthouse in Poland is the tallest brick lighthouse in the world.
47. The state also has the East Coast’s tallest waterfall
North Carolina is home to more than 300 stupendously beautiful waterfalls. The Upper Whitewater Falls, which comes within the Transylvania County, is the tallest waterfall of the East Coast.
North Carolina is home to another ‘tallest’ waterfall — Glassmine Falls. However, the Glassmine Falls flows only occasionally and thus, has disavowed from its claim to East Coast’s tallest waterfall.

48. North Carolina is home to Eastern North America’s highest peak
At 6,684 feet, Mount Mitchell is the highest peak in mainland eastern North America. The mountain is named after Professor Elisha Mitchell of the University of North Carolina. He was the first person to scientifically study Mount Mitchell and the Black Mountains from the standpoint of physical geography.
49. Even hurricanes cannot mar North Carolina’s spirit
After Florida, North Carolina sees more hurricanes than any other state in the United States. According to information from the National Hurricane Center, Florida is the state with the most direct hits from hurricanes in the United States. However, even the worst of hurricanes haven’t been able to mar the spirit of this fantastic state.
50. The largest military base
Fort Bragg the largest military base in America is located in North Carolina. You will find it just west of Fayetteville in the Sandhills, established in 1918.
51. The largest Marine Corps Airbase
North Carolina is also home to the largest Marine Corps Airbase in the US, Cherry Point. It opened in 1941 and is rumored to house about 8000 soldiers during that time.

52. The largest mansion in America
The Biltmore Estate, which was built by George Washington Vanderbilt II in the late 19th century, is the largest mansion in America. This mansion sees a high influx of tourists round the year who gather to admire its French chateau-inspired architecture.
With a floor area of some 4 acres, it took 6 years to complete the 250-room residence. After being designated a national historic landmark in 1963, three years later, it was added to the U.S. National Registry of Historic Places.
53. Hoggatt House High Point, North Carolina
The Hoggatt House is the oldest standing structure in High Point, having been built in 1754 by Philip Hoggatt. The colonial cabin was later moved to the property of the High Point Museum during the 1990s and is now a popular place for tourists and locals to visit. Actors on site reenact life during the 1750s for visitors.
54. The Outer Banks region is known as the ‘Graveyard of the Atlantic‘
Though the Outer Banks region has become a popular surfing area now, it has been associated with many shipwrecks over the years. More than 5,000 ships met their end in this region. The Hatteras village on the island of Hatteras alone has seen more than 600 shipwrecks to date. The area around this region is considered unsafe for shipping vessels.
55. Water and the sports
Many exciting watersports can be explored in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, making it a great place for tourists. Also, visit the many historic sites and the famous lighthouse.
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