Last updated on December 26th, 2023
Oregon is the 27th most populous and the 9th most extensive of the 50 states of the United States. It lies in the Pacific Northwest region on the West Coast of the United States. The state attained statehood on February 14, 1859, becoming the 33rd state to join the union. Its four bordering states are Nevada, Washington, California, and Idaho. See the full list of the 50 states and their borders here. Oregon (nicknamed: “Beaver State”) has 36 counties. The state’s capital is Salem. The abbreviation for Oregon is OR.
Interesting facts about Oregon
1. The origin of the name “Oregon” is uncertain. However, according to one account, the name is believed to have been derived from the French word, ‘Ouragan,’ which is loosely translated as hurricane’ or windstorm’. This was in reference to the powerful winds originating from the Columbia River hence the name Oregon.
2. The state has 11 lighthouses, and Yaquina is the tallest of them all – 93 feet. The tallest lighthouse is the most popular lighthouse on the coast and has been in service since 1873.
3. To provide some order for the residents of Oregon, the Oregon Treaty was created in 1846. It was prompted by new settlers who formed a provisional government.
Oregon on the map
4. Oregon is one of only two states in the US to have self-serving fuel stations. The other is New Jersey.
5. There is no sales tax to make things easier for those living in Oregon. You can buy and sell in the state without general sales tax.

6. Powell’s Book store in Portland, Oregon, is the world’s largest bookstore. The store is in service in Portland since 1971. The company’s founder started his book selling career with a loan of $3,000, which he repaid within two months of borrowing the money.
7. The mention of the deepest gorge in Oregon should give you a clear picture of a 7,900 feet Hell’s Canyon. This magnificent and picturesque physical feature is located between Idaho and Oregon along the Snake River.
8. It may take you by surprise but milk is indeed Oregon’s state beverage. In 1997, the legislature unanimously agreed that milk and other dairy products should be accorded such status on the basis of their contribution to the state’s economic well-being. Therefore, milk is a symbol of economic prosperity in Oregon.

9. Did you know that the world’s smallest park – Mill Ends Park – is in Portland, Oregon? Surprisingly, the park is just two square feet in area. Now imagine how one could fit a park in that little area. Here is a picture to clarify all your doubts. The park lies in the median of the heavily trafficked Naito Parkway. It was granted this recognition in 1971 by The Guinness Book of Records. The park was built because of a supposed leprechaun sighting. A journalist named Dick Fagan ran a column called Mill Ends. He claimed (in jest, of course) that he saw a leprechaun digging a hole that was supposed to be used for erecting a light pole. In truth, Fagan saw the empty space and began planting flowers on the spot. In 1948, on Patrick’s Day, the park was dedicated by Fagan himself. The journalist also wrote about a leprechaun colony living in the park headed by one named Patrick O’Toole.
10. The square dance or simply the Official State Dance is a heritage symbol within Oregon. The dance’s lively spirit exemplifies a friendly, enthusiastic and free nature that are all tailored to reflect the typical Oregon character and heritage in general.
11. Looking at the topsoil of Oregon, it is interesting to know that it came from thousands of miles away. In fact, all the way from Washington.

12. Have you ever come across a state that prides itself with amazing geodes? Well, Oregon’s Thunderegg will give you enough reasons to spend more time in this state. This official state rock contains several minerals of various colors and crystalline structure making it unique yet appealing to the eye. Apparently, these popular items are skilfully cut and polished to reveal their breath-taking designs inside.
13. Unlike the Thunderegg, Oregon sunstone is regarded highly as the state’s official gemstone (designated in 1987) because of its brightly colored appearance. The stone belongs to the feldspar family and it is found mainly in the Southeastern regions of the state. Sunstone is a variety of a mineral called oligoclase. Sunstone can be polished, faceted, and carved and made into jewelry.
14. Myrtlewood Coins from North Bend in Oregon are made from the beautiful and Prized Myrtlewood. It all started in 1933 when they needed the economy afloat.
15. Oregon boasts of a unique state flag in the U.S. with two separate designs each on either side. A close look reveals that one side is decorated with the state seal emblem and on the reverse side; there is a picture of a golden beaver.

16. Crater Lake is a notable physical feature that makes Oregon a unique state in the entire country. Crater Lake is actually the deepest (592 meters) among the lakes in the U.S. and one of the deepest in the world. The most intriguing part of its history is that it was formed as a volcanic lake thousands of years ago. Its scenic crystal-blue waters are well-known by every traveller worldwide. You could stack the Eiffel Tower, Washington Monument and Statue of Liberty on top of each other and still have 100 feet of water covering Lady Liberty’s torch. That is how deep the lake is.
17. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Oregon is among the top 20 states with the highest suicide rates. Wyoming tops the list, closely followed by Alaska and Montana.
18. Did you know that physician-assisted suicide is legal in eight U.S. jurisdictions including Oregon? However, there are certain limitations to the act wherein the individuals must have a terminal illness as well as a prognosis of six months or less to live. The other jurisdictions where this act is legal are Colorado, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington, Montana, California and District of Columbia. The first public assisted suicide was in 1990, of Janet Adkins.
19. Oregon was the first State to make non-returnable cans and bottles illegal. This brought roadside littering of bottles and cans down from 40 to six percent.

20. Also known as Castor canadensis (scientific name), the American Beaver is actually the Oregon state animal since 1969. And that is why Oregon is popularly known as “The Beaver State”.
21. Oregon has the most Lamas in the whole of the US. More than 25 percent of the total Llamas in the country reside in Oregon.
22. You are not allowed to box with a kangaroo in Myrtle Creek. No type of boxing is permitted, not even kickboxing, so put your boxing gloves away!
23. Forest Grove at the heart of Oregon is credited for being the home of the world’s tallest and most notable barber shop pole, standing at 72-feet tall.
24. There’s no other state in the US that is known to have an official state nut if not Oregon. The state nut is known as the hazelnut or filbert and Oregon is home to 99 percent of the commercial nuts cultivated in the US.

25. Interestingly, the famous Nike logo was designed by Carolyn Davidson (in 1971), a student at Portland State University. And she was paid $35 for her design by Nike’s founders, Bill Bowerman, and Phil Knight though they didn’t like the logo in the first place. But now, Nike Logo is recognized by every sports enthusiast all over the world. Originally, the logo was called as ‘the strip’, which later became well known as ‘Swoosh’.
26. Nike first took its baby steps in Eugene, when Bill Bowerman, a former Olympian and coach designed the famous waffle-iron rubber sole that would establish the brand as a serious contender in athletic wear. It was lighter, more durable, and had better grip, allowing athletes to move more confidently.
27. It is a well-known fact that the famous Hollywood star of all time, Clint Eastwood lived in Springfield, Oregon. He worked at Weyerhaeuser for a few weeks as a lumberjack before realizing that lumberjacking was a dangerous business venture.
28. In Portland, pinball machines are completely banned since 1949 when Dorothy McCullough was the mayor.

29. In 1971, Oregon passed the Oregon Bicycle Bill, the first such state law in the country, which devoted 1% (every year) of state transportation funding for cycling. Interestingly, the bill was signed outdoors – on the seat of a bike.
30. Three cities in Oregon are in the top ten bike-friendly cities in the US. People in Oregon love their bikes, so join them.
31. Oregon has no less than 200 ghost towns, making it the state with the most. The most popular of them all is known as Ryan’s Camp.
32. The state of Oregon is home to different Native American Ethnic groups in the country. The federal government recognizes only nine tribes existing within the present day state.

33. Oregon has plenty to offer and one of the unique things that make this state famous is the honey mushroom or Armillaria ostoyae, the largest living single organism in the world. The organism covers a vast area (2,385 acres of Malheur National Forest) and it is believed to be between 2,400 and 8,650 years old.
34. You are welcome to go mushroom hunting in Oregon. Everyone is allowed to collect up to one gallon of mushrooms per day.
35. When you think of Oregon as a state you should always remember that the Douglas fir is the state tree in accordance with the 1939 declaration. In fact, this tree species is the main source of softwood lumber production in Oregon.
36. Did you know that Oregon is the top-most Christmas tree producing state in the U.S.? The state has dedicated 42,000 acres of its land area for the purpose of raising these trees.
37. Oregon stands at number six among the most Bigfoot sighting places in the US with Washington taking the lead.
38. John Day Fossil Beds National Monument was voted to be one of the most recognizable fossil sites globally.
39. Mount Hood in Oregon is the second most explored mountain in the world after Mount Fuji in Japan. With an elevation of 11,249 feet, it is the highest mountain in Oregon. It is a potentially active stratovolcano. The last minor eruptive event occurred in 1907.
40. Portland in Oregon, is one of only six cities in the country to have an extinct volcano. This is a place with a rich history to explore.
41. Marble Caves were discovered in Oregon in 1874. This is a very unique feature of an already fascinating area of the United States.
42. Oregon has a state song known as “Oregon, My Oregon” composed by J.A. Buchanan and Henry B. Murtagh.
43. Oregon’s vast forests are a leading source for lumber in the U.S. In fact, the state harvests more timber than any other state. Almost half of the state’s landmass is covered by forests. Oregon’s soils and climate provide ideal conditions for the growth of trees in the region.
44. There is only one national park in Oregon which comprises of the caldera surrounding Crater Lake.

45. Willamette Meteorite, discovered in the U.S. state of Oregon, is the largest meteorite found in North America and the sixth-largest in the world. The iron-nickel meteorite did not create an impact at the site it was found and thus it was concluded that the meteorite was transported to this place by some glacial activity some thousands of years ago. At 15.5 metric tons (34,000 lbs.), Willamette is the largest single “stone.”
46. Linus Pauling (1901 – 1994) born in Portland, Oregon was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1954. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962.
47. Salem is the capital of Oregon. Originally, it was called Chemeketa by the Kalapuya Indians – a term that means “place of rest” or “place of peace”. The name was later changed to Salem, which is close to the Hebrew term “shalom” or peace. As the state capital, Salem did, indeed, become a meeting place for residents of Oregon.

48. Bend, Oregon was named because of an area that the settlers called “Farewell Bend”. This was the spot where pioneers would say their goodbyes before heading westward. There were other bids for the town’s name, such as Pilot Butte but Post Office Department officials in Washington, D.C. chose “Bend” because “Farewell Bend” was simply too long.
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